My Quest for Better Bread

My Quest for Better and Healthier Bread using Ancient Grains
Greg Hall – Khorasan Mills
I love good bread.
Not just good bread, but really good bread. The taste, the aroma, the way warm bread fills my kitchen with bakery-like smells of whole grains, fresh baked dinner rolls and my favorite, sourdough.
I’ve worked in many a bakery over the years and I’ve seen how good bakeries are successful, in part because the breads and other baked goods not only look good, but also taste amazing. The smell of whole grains and honey, of pumpkin bread, cinnamon rolls and the subtle, sweet taste of healthy, whole grain muffins all call to me.
But mostly it’s the bread; everything from honey whole wheat to sourdough, from cracked wheat to artisan breads with hot, crispy crusts. Each loaf is different, and the aroma – oh the aroma!
Better Grains make Better Bread
I learned long ago that good bread comes from good wheat and other gluten-free grains. Flour is not just something you buy at the store, but something you can choose - where it comes from, how the grain is grown and how it is harvested and stored.
Is the grain or wheat clean? Does the farmer use harmful sprays or commercial, synthetic fertilizers? Or does the farmer – the steward of the soil, farm with clean, natural, sustainable methods?
We started Khorasan Mills years ago because we wanted to be one of the best sources in Utah for clean, healthy grains. Grains that can be made into fresh flour, just when you need it. Flour that takes bread to a different level for flavor, for texture and for health.
Some would say that bread isn’t healthy. I disagree – you just need to choose the right grains to make the right bread for your family.
If someone in your family is intolerant to gluten, does this mean you, or they can’t eat bread? Not necessarily. Many who are sensitive to wheat and/or gluten can eat Khorasan wheat, spelt, emmer or einkorn. All are ancient varieties of wheat that have lower and more digestible gluten. These grains digest more slowly, are more healthy and all have sweeter (Khorasan), heartier (spelt), or chewy (einkorn) textures, and all make very good bread. Bread you can eat. Bread you should eat if other restrictions don’t apply.
​Recipes are only Guidelines
Over the years, we have developed some great bread recipes using healthy grains and flour, particularly ancient grains. You can find these recipes on the Khorasan Mills recipe page. But recipes are typically just lists of ingredients with suggested measurements – it’s actually the process, how the dough is developed that makes the best bread. Even with good ingredients, if the dough isn’t mixed and coaxed along properly, you only get decent bread.
We can show and teach you how to make great bread using healthy, ancient grains that not only taste good, but are good for you.
We bake breads like Honey Khorasan, Hearty Spelt bread, Cracked Wheat sandwich bread where you crack and mill your own grains and flour. Also Sourdough breads, Whole Grain Sourdough, or Cinnamon Chip Sourdough for a sweeter taste (makes the best French Toast).
Gone are the days of dry, crumbly, whole wheat bread. The breads we bake from the grains we use and sell are soft and moist, flavorful and healthy, full of ancient grains goodness and did I mention the smell? Remember, like a bakery!
You can do this too. Make better bread with clean, healthy grains – ask us how!
In our quest for better bread, we have found that good bread comes from good grains. We know these grains and we know the farmers, we know that the grains we sell are grown from healthy soils that produce higher quality wheat, that when milled into fresh flour, have better flavor and better nutrition.
All this makes better bread. It’s not about the recipe, it’s about the grain.
- Greg Hall